Sunday, July 5, 2009


I haven't fallen off the face of the earth and I will update a few things that I have been doing. My sisters and I helped our granddaughters/daughter make matching quilts. My granddaughter, Kenadee is on the left, Patsy's granddaughter, Kelsi in the middle, and Mary Louise's daughter, Rachel on the right. It was fun to watch those girls learn to love to sew.

These photos are for those of you who don't have a good view of gorgeous sunsets. The shots are about 10 minutes apart.

On June 13th I took a 24 hour trip to Modesto, CA to attend a surprise birthday party for my friend Madeline Roddy. We met the summer I turned 14 at Colter Bay, WY and we have kept in touch since, but have only seen each other 5 times over the years. I think our friendship started during our premortal existence.
Madeline is by me, then Helen, the party-planning-cook-extrodinaire daughter-in-law, Madeline's son Sean and their daughter Sioban. I had a terrific time with her great family and friends.
On June 27, we had a Belnap cousin's reunion at Galen and Barbara's home. We had represtatives from all families but one. Margaret and Duane represented the Hansens, Morgan represented the Beatties; Jon, Diane and Calvin were 100% for the Davidsons. Mary Louise, Galen and Barbara, Patsy and Bob and I were the Lusks (Ray and Larid left before the photo shoot). Next time we will get the Swapps here. It was a fun time and we will do this every other year on the third Saturday in June. Love my relatives!