First of all, I need to apologize for the order of these photos. Valerie, tonight's mentor, told me that I must load the photo that I want last in the series, first. Well I will try to remember that. This photo is taken on the north side of our house under the ponderosa pine tree. This is where it appears that some sort of animal with a foot print of approximately 2" across, bedded down.
These are the tracks of the animal which lead across the patio to the honey locust tree in the back yard. There were also tracks up the front walk onto the front steps. These happened sometime prior to 7 a.m. on Friday morning, Jan. 9, 2009.
This morning, Jan.11, 2009, I was getting ready for church and happened to look out our bedroom window just as a HUGE bird landed in the back by the Russian Olive trees. It walked down the row of trees toward the house, but stayed in the cover of the trees and bushes there. Shortly, it exited on the south of the trees and flew to the east.
This photo shows just half of the wing span. You will notice where the bird landed toward the center left of the photo and where the wings touched on the center right.
This is the other half of the site. Notice again the landing spot by the grass on center right and the huge wing extension.
This is a full view. The space between the wing areas is about 3 feet.
Notice also my boot print in lower left corner. I had to back up to get the whole view, and I cut out part of the wing spread on the left.
When I went out to take these photos, Dad told me to be careful but to drag my feet if the bird got me so he could find me.